Sunday, April 27, 2008

This week's free blog.

Good morning!  I'm just gonna dive right into the post today, so yeah.

One thing that I am seeing in class is the lack of some people to realize that back during David's time, there was no freedom of religion.  There was no, as Professor Smith put it, "smorgasbord" to pick and choose from.  And doubly so for the Israelites.  And I think it's hard to talk about religion back then, with people really knowing that what religion you were made ALL the difference.

The idea is that a common belief gives the group strength.  And let's be honest, after the Israelites trounced the Canaanites, they've been pretty much shafted as a group.  It is through their common faith that the Israelites have been able to hold themselves together, and stay alive.  And with that in mind, you can't have any kind of non-believers.  All that would do is create weak points within the group, and the society would collapse, either from external means or on its own.  So joining into the ranks of the Jews was not a choice, it might not have been exactly right, and sure there may have been some doubters.  But with such a strong religious link to their culture, there was no room for it.

Alright, I'm done.

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