Sunday, May 11, 2008

Systems of Symbols

Good morning.  How has everyone's weekend been?  Good.  On to my blog:

While there are lots of pictures within Christianity that can be considered to show a "system of symbols", I think that none does it better than that of the Rosary.  It is a symbol on both the physical and mental level.  The first distinguishing feature on the Rosary is the crucifix on the bottom.  Not only is it an symbol of Christianity (Catholicism in particular), it also is a reminder of the Catholic belief in Christ's suffering for the rest of humanity.  And then within the context of the Rosary, it means the "Act of Contrition" prayer.  The next most interesting part of it is the centerpiece, which can have a variety of engravings on it, all of which are symbols for different things.  Usually it has a Virgin Mary or a saint on it, to remind the owner of the qualities reflected in Mary or the saint.  Also, it means the "Apostles Creed" prayer in the Rosary.  Finally, each bead means a prayer within the Rosary, making the entire Rosary itself as a symbol of a pious person.

As an interesting post-script, I beat Ocarina of Time earlier this weekend.  Why is it that playing a game that's 10 years old is still more satisfying that playing most of the new ones?

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